Great looking redhead, the hour glass figure! Sweetheart, you look concerned, but with that body and pretty face you should be nude all the time. Hankfoto@
First, "69s with guys," you're not fooling anyone. Your "experience" with women is limited to seeing pictures here. You casually generalize women's choices like the inexperienced clod you are. Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore, Jessica Alba, and a lot of others have tattoos. For them, their tattoos are about self-empowerment. They're a personal statement. Grow up, go out, and actually have some experience before pretending you've had some.
pun dude I haven't abused anyone I merely said I would not have sexual relations with someone who had some hang ups and expressed themselves foolishly with ruining their bodies. Dude lighten up take a couple of reds and have a good rest, you seem to be highly stressed and very defensive about mentally ill women. And name calling really? How old are you? Ten?
And you abusing women here is to make up for a LOT of shortcomings in your life, dweeb! Once again, you show that you don't know a damn thing about women. Some of the most confident women I've met in this world have tattoos or piercings. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE INDIVIDUALS AND THAT'S HOW THEY EXPRESS THEMSELVES, DUMBASS! Seriously, find a way to get laid before commenting again, l0ser.