Vivienne *** Landing Stript

Posted by: Vivienne

Dec 15, 2012

Hi all! It was the last warm days before winter. It was a bit cold, but I was quite excited to pose...... I hope you all enjoy my photos. To be continued................. Hot kiss ***Vivienne ***

Recent Comments for Vivienne *** Landing Stript (64)
  • LET IT BE SAID FIVE YEARS LATER:  I wish Viviveen was still participating here!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AND I WILL ADD: Brava, and much love and respect always, to Vivienne! From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2022 Vivienne is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Top 10 Hall of Fame best! I wish that Vivienne was still participating here, and I hope that Vivienne is alive, well and happy in 2022. In 2022? Yes, in 2022! 
  • Amazing!
  • great pics, wankalicious, thanx
  • My wish you were still contributing to VW in 2017
  • Miss you terribly
  • I wish Viviveen was still participating here! 
  • I really miss seeing your sexy body and beautiful smile! 
  • Yes she is and was amazing ! 
  • Miss this little hottie bigtime!  Wish she was still posting!  
  • Oh hell  yes!!!!!
  • perfection
  • Was on the road when you posted and can't vote now, but would surely vote "Superb." You're a doll, would love to see more of you!
  • cool you in the cold time outside and nice pussy show
  • I am in awe. You have the body of a goddess of beauty. Yet your smile shows a friendliness and a level of comfort in your nudity that is perhaps the most wonderful. Your viewers know too many women who are unhappy with their bodies and cannot find the comfort level to happily show their erotic side. If only I was able to meet you have a sister?
  • What a the boots cute cute cute

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