Blurry low-resolution photos should not be posted on VoyeurWeb! Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
No response from stomachpump I see. I'm waiting for him to try to claim that he'd be the one delivering the ass kicking. That should be a hoot. Men who have balls don't sit at their keyboards abusing women like he does. My guess is that he is the kind of a guy who is scared of his own shadow, so he abuses women here to make himself feel like he has some kind of power. What a joke.
This might ruin your day, stomachpump. I called my brother, who is a cop in Colorado. I asked him what he would do if he found out a guy got his ass kicked after insulting another man's wife or girlfriend. My brother asked me what type of insults, so I referenced some of the things you've written on this board. He said not only would he not arrest the person who kicked your ass, he'd probably arrest you for initiating the he says that every cop he works with would do the same.
Oh, what a tough guy you are, stomachpump. So if you do get your ass kicked you're going to go cry to the police, is that what you're saying? That's probably the most cowardly thing I've ever heard since "If you do I'll tell mommy!"
You know, if there's a God, one day some of you jokers like Mr_Fingers and captainnine are going to forget where you are and say your smack somewhere other than behind the safety of your someone is going to give you the beatdown you richly deserve.
My Hottie
Posted by: Stukatz
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