... Autumn, the most beautiful season - what could be better then a walk through a wonderful park in the last warm and sunny days ... people sitting around, the sun on their faces ... the atmosphere was so relaxed, I closed my eyes and forgot not to be alone ;)
million kisses to you all!
your Vienna
Brava, love and much respect always to Vienna! From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2022 Vienna is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Top 10 Hall of Fame best! I wish Vienna was still participating here, and I hope that she is alive, well and happy in 2022
Beautiful model and photography. So refreshing to see such a mature society that doesn't criminalize nudity. Here in the US, she'd be sent to prison and have to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life (photographer too). However, if she had an AK-47 with 300 rounds, that would be perfectly acceptable.
Hallo Vienna... Wie immer gaaanz heisse Fotos! Du bist in etwa das perfekteste Mädel auf dieser Seite... danke für all deine Fotos... Grüsse aus der Schweiz, Aspis
There might be a prettier girl somewhere, but maybe not. Your hour glass ass is pure perfection, meaty pussy is fantastic and your face if beautiful. ShesGot34Ds@
hallo vienna! schon nach dem 2ten foto dachte ich mir das muss eggenberg sein, nicht weit von mir entfernt in meiner heimatstadt graz! jetzt warst du schon das 2te mal in graz und nie hab ich dich geshen ;-) danke für die geilen fotos, mach weiter so! du machst meinen schwanz jedesmal hart wenn ich dich sehe, danke! und wie immer 10 Punkte! dickmann würde mich sehr über eien nachricht von dir freuen: dickmann_79@
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Vienna Autumn Breeze
Posted by: Vienna
... Autumn, the most beautiful season - what could be better then a walk through a wonderful park in the last warm and sunny days ... people sitting around, the sun on their faces ... the atmosphere was so relaxed, I closed my eyes and forgot not to be alone ;) million kisses to you all! your Vienna