Look, you may not be everyone's "type," but never allow the abusive cretins to stop you. Just remember that their need to be abusive says far more about their lack of worth as human beings as it does about your value as a person or a woman.
She's got the guts to pose nude in the woods.. that counts for alot - good for her and for those who have not been with a woman of substance and mass - you are suuuuure missing something!
I'm sure "dickbiggershaft" says the same thing about his sperm swallowing ability. I mean he saw the preview screen. So why did he feel it necessary to click on her link? Oh, that's right, he had to try to make himself feel like he's more of a man because he can put down a woman. How pathetic he and those like him are.
And "swinger" has officially made the internet less intelligent with his insipid comment. Again I point out the obvious. You think that posting your insults makes HER look bad; to the contrary, it makes YOU clods look bad. You saw the preview picture, you knew what she looked like before you came to this page, yet you still chose to click on the link. In other words, your ONLY reason for coming here was to abuse this woman. You can say what you want about her looks, but nothing here will ever be fouler than the personality and character of the clods bashing her.
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Random Outside Nudes
Posted by: Tan
just a few random topless and nude photos