More Great Txt

Posted by: Jessica

Mar 10, 2014

I was out of town and she was board

Recent Comments for More Great Txt (21)
  • So delicious. Have you seen my new nudes?
  • Yummy! Very exciting big tits and hard nipples!
  • Yummy! Very exciting big tits and hard nipples!
  • Look another IInternet bitch who has no life so they try to put others down to make them self feel better!
  • Thank you tank I have more post going up
  • You know it seems to me like your nothing more than a small dick little boy that hates his life and has nothing better to do than put others down
  • ps daninfag.... you are in looossseeerrr denial!!! lol!! your little rubber room is ready.......
  • Again, not only do you not succeed in angering me with these shots at my mother, you actually embarrass yourself. But then again, one must first HAVE dignity before one can LOSE it.
  • whats the difference between daninfag's mother and a washing machinejQuery110206641221015962696_1394580214510?? a washing machine won't follow you around for 3 weeks after you drop a few loads in it!!!! aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!
  • Nah, "douchebag," my mom likes men . . . and judging by your posts, so do you. I am, however, amused by your apparent belief that calling me "faggot" or issuing attacks against my mom is going to enrage me. Actually, I laugh, as these types of attacks are the things most of us left behind in junior high school. Such a shame that where we left, you're now stuck. LOL
  • I would rather fuck daninfag's mother!!!!! she looovvveessss anal!!!! aahahahahahahahahah!!!
  • Wouldn't use the word great, yaaaawn, just saying.
  • Of course "Summer's Eve" is unhappy with this set of photos . . . there aren't any men in the pictures. There's nothing to excite him. He's like the clods in "Strangers with Candy" who grumble that they need to go watch g@y porn to "get their h@te ;
  • hurray!! you suck!!
  • thanks you for showing you sexy body here, Made my cock so hard 9 inches I share too if you like to see cali9inches@
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