Well, "QUEEN Hornet," let's put it this way. In one line you refer to me as "King" and the next you question whether I'm a lesbian. We've already established that you're sexually insecure and confused, but apparently genders also confuse you. How messed up you are.
I think that you are wrong. It doesn't matter how big the tits are. If they are attached to an obese woman then they are no good. Period. I would rather have little tits on a hot chick then have big tits on a fat one. NO FAT CHICKS
Personally, im thinking that those of you who sit here and critique every post are either having dinner with your mom every night or are some loser that hasn't seen a set of tits in person ever, except for your own man boobs. It takes courage for a woman to allow her slept to be seen like this. And you bunch of knuckle shufflers who consider losing your virginity at the age of 29 an accomplishment, can't appreciate that some women aren't going to match up to your idea of princess Leah in her slave outfit from Jedi. To those of you who complimented her, thank you.
OYE! What a horrible day, this just ads to it. Can we just say once again, Just because she will get named, just because you have a camera doesn't mean you should put both together and send the pictures here.
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Bathroom Wife
Posted by: Dtxpress
Just some candid shots of my wife.