Adriana's Heart...

Posted by: Adriana

May 31, 2013

My heart is here :) Adriana with love

Recent Comments for Adriana's Heart... (28)
  • STILL 100% TRUE IN 2023 :  Damon got it 100% right: " Oh wow who cropped this picture, that should be a crime not to show your sweet little kitty!" The cropping on that last photo would have gotten this lot an automatic vote of 'POOR" in 2013 and is an EPIC FAIL -- repeat, EPIC FAIL! -- in 2003. As for all those "pasties" in the seven other photos : EPIC FAIL! EPIC FAIL! EPIC FAIL! EPIC FAIL! EPIC FAIL. Adriana deserves much better photography with NO "PASTIES"  than this lot of rubbish. TOTALLY!
  • Super yummy thong! Nice looking ass, big tits and shaved pussy!
  • Damon got it 100% right: " Oh wow who cropped this picture, that should be a crime not to show your sweet little kitty!" The cropping on that last photo would have gotten this lot an automatic vote of ";
  • Hi Adriana. Thank you for this wonderful contribution. You are beautiful as always and this contri gets back to the fun, sensuous Adriana that we all fell in love with. In several of your recent contris I felt like I was perpetually looking at your crotch. You are much more than a crotch shot. This was delightful. deano4885@
  • Hi Adrianna Queen of hearts Your Absolutely stunning!!!!! Sensual Body! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!! perfect Pussy!!! Pretty face. :) ;) I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim tdepoorter@
  • very beautiful one amazingly natural perfect body WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • You are really hot darling, please send me more pics. mark020470@
  • This Texan likes what he sees... jddawson_1969@
  • wow just wow
  • Oh my god I FUCKING LOVE YOU! I love every fucking inch of your body and you're absolutely stunning! The PERFECT woman!! Marcuswellin@
  • hi sweetie did you get that condom out of there i left in sorry about that xxx
  • Mila Kunis' dirty older sister. I see a three-way in my future.
  • You are gorgeous. voted superb.
  • I just cannot get enough of your smile.
  • You have my heart....

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